Monday, March 14, 2005

Allow me to introduce myself...

I have been on the 'Net almost as long as there's been a 'Net, and I swore many years ago that I would not put up yet another "This is me, this is my dog/cat/iguana/rock/pet-du-jour, this is my random insignificant thought of the moment" page. Well, you finally broke me, 'Net. My need for a place to put my random insignificant thoughts has overcome my principles. I'm starting a blog.

What I'm doing: Sorting through the detritus of one career as I move on to the next.

What I'm listening to: The World on NPR

What I'm making for dinner: Risotto cakes

What I'm enjoying: The gorgeously sunny, mild California spring weather.

What I'm pissed about: The fact that I couldn't use my first choice of blog names because someone who hasn't posted in two years already used it.